Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sayur Lada

This favorite lauk (dish) of mine cannot be found elsewhere (as far as I know) except home, cooked by mum. It has everything I look for in a sayur (vegetable) based lauk. It's lemak (rich in flavour), lots of ingredients and most importantly, it's hot!

Basically its ingredients are tempeh (fermented dried soya beans cake), tahu (toufu), daging (beef meat), udang (prawns) and lada hijau (green chilli) soaked in santan (coconut milk). Not only does the main ingredients resembles Sambal Goreng (fried chilli), another favorite lauk if done properly, it looks pretty much the same too, with a difference.

1. instead of being stir fried, this lauk is soaked with its base flavoring which is santan (coconut milk)

2. no kacang panjang (long beans). So what are those green things you see that looks like kacang panjang? Well, it's pointless to call this dish Sayur Lada if there are no lada right? Those green things that looks like long beans ARE lada hijau (green chilli). Lots of it. Lada hijau is not a garnish or additive. It is the main ingredient! That is why the dish is so pedas (hot).

So how does it tastes like? It'll blow you away!

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